Només com a mostra un extracte dels comentaris d'un equip estonià:
The start and finish were in a village of L'Espluga Calba, about 140 km from the 1992 Olympics city of Barcelona. The hash house, providing food during the event was located in a nearby village of Fulleda. Both L'Espluga Calba and Fulleda are beautiful villages with limestone churches, castles and houses. La sortida i l'arribada es trobaven al poble de l'Espluga Calba, situat a uns 140 km de la ciutat de Barcelona que va celebrar els Jocs Olímpics de 1992. La casa de proveïment, destinada al subministrament d'aliments durant l'esdeveniment, va ser localitzada en el poble proper de Fulleda. Tots dos, l'Espluga Calba i Fulleda, són bells pobles amb esglésies, castells i cases de pedra calcària.
The food was excellent, both at night in the hash house as well as the meal after the event. The prizes were really nice bottles of local olive oil (one of the best in the country), books and sports equipment. Every participant received a warm hat with the logo of the event (very handy considering the chilly weather) and some further presents from sponsors, which there were many.
The start and finish were in a village of L'Espluga Calba, about 140 km from the 1992 Olympics city of Barcelona. The hash house, providing food during the event was located in a nearby village of Fulleda. Both L'Espluga Calba and Fulleda are beautiful villages with limestone churches, castles and houses. La sortida i l'arribada es trobaven al poble de l'Espluga Calba, situat a uns 140 km de la ciutat de Barcelona que va celebrar els Jocs Olímpics de 1992. La casa de proveïment, destinada al subministrament d'aliments durant l'esdeveniment, va ser localitzada en el poble proper de Fulleda. Tots dos, l'Espluga Calba i Fulleda, són bells pobles amb esglésies, castells i cases de pedra calcària.
The food was excellent, both at night in the hash house as well as the meal after the event. The prizes were really nice bottles of local olive oil (one of the best in the country), books and sports equipment. Every participant received a warm hat with the logo of the event (very handy considering the chilly weather) and some further presents from sponsors, which there were many.
El menjar va ser excel·lent, tant a la nit a la casa de proveïment [a Fulleda], així com el dinar del després de l'esdeveniment [a l'Espluga Calba]. Els premis van ser realment agradables amb ampolles d'oli d'oliva local (un dels millors del país), llibres i material esportiu. Cada participant va rebre una gorra amb el logotip de l'esdeveniment (molt útil tenint en compte el clima fred) i alguns regals dels molts patrocinadors que havia.